Name: Brittany Brasen ((Some call her Britt))
Age: 17
Gender (Male or Females only.): Female
House of Choice (If an adult, state the house you graduated from): Gryffindor
Year choice (1 - 7 ) (OR state Adult if your character has graduated from Hogwarts): 6th
Job (If an adult and you want a Ministry, Hogsmeade Shop Owner, or Hogwarts Staff Job, please PM the admins and tell us):
Broom: Firebolt
Wand: mahogany and phoenix feather
Character Appearance: 5'8. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Pretty. ((My avatar.))
Personality: She is nice but very quiet at first until she get s to know you then she is very energetic. She is smart, very smart. But she is not the person you would want to make angry.
Relationship Status: Single
Weaknesses: She doesn't follow the rules and has a short temper if you make her too mad and she lets her gaurd down if you mention her parents
Strenths: She is a very good dueleer and an expert at castign charms and a great flyer ((Keeper or Beater))
Likes: She loves quidditch and dueling
Dislikes: she hates people who pick on people to make themselves feel bigger