Name: Stella Star
Age: 16
Gender (Male or Females only.): Female
House of Choice (If an adult, state the house you graduated from): Gryffindor
Year choice (1 - 7 ) (OR state Adult if your character has graduated from Hogwarts): 6
Broom: Nimbus 2001
Character Appearance: Blonde hair, with a brown high light, with a ski slope nose and perfect teeth and face.
Personality: She’s caring and trustworthy, some people think she's 'annoying' but she really isnt. She’s not a snob even though some people think she is that haven’t met her.
Relationship Status: Single.
Weaknesses: When people hurt innocent people
Strengths: DADA, and potions.
Likes: talking to people new and reading.
Dislikes: Evil people.
Stella grew up in a small town and went to a muggle school untill she was 11, her parents were muggleborns so they didn't know she would be a witch. When she went to Hogwarts she always loved to read their books, with the magical pictures, ect! Stella talked to random people and was always nice, she hadnt ever made a best friend but she had friends.