Name: Nikoliah Gorbechav
Age: 17
Gender (Male or Females only.): Male
House of Choice (If an adult, state the house you graduated from): Slytherin
Year choice (1 - 7 ) (OR state Adult if your character has graduated from Hogwarts): 7
Job (If an adult and you want a Ministry, Hogsmeade Shop Owner, or Hogwarts Staff Job, please PM the admins and tell us):
Broom: No Broom
Wand: Dragon Heartstring 10in
Character Appearance: 6'2'', Approxamately 210lbs. Dark Green Eyes, Dark Brown Hair.
Personality: Very Solitude like. Has trust issues and is confident in himself. Accepts any challenge and is vengeful at times. Cold Heated due to some childhood events and lacks the personality of a "friend".
Relationship Status: Single
Weaknesses: Accepting Defeat
Strengths: Willingness to win, confidence, and calm mentality.
Likes: History
Dislikes: People who act like idiots.
Special Ability Section (This are the ONLY special abilities available, and you may not have more than 1, however Legilimency and Occlumency go hand in hand, you just have to have a GOOD reason for having both in your background.):
Animagus no
Legilimens no
Metamorphmagus no
Occlumens no
Parselmouth no
Seer no
Werewolf Yes.
Character History: I have never met my parents. I have never met anyone from my family. I have never had true friends and ive never cared. I am a loner as I have been since my younger days. I am confident in myself. I do not trust you as you do not trust me. I will not accept defeat, I will not fail. I am very determined in my goals. I strive for power over my enemy, I look foraward to a fight. I know who I am and I will know who you are.
(No im not this way in real life lol)
(Re did application cause i saw i was lacking some material)