Name: Aly Beckett(full name is Alyison Beckett)
Age: 16
Gender (Male or Females only.): Female
House of Choice (If an adult, state the house you graduated from): Gryffindor
Year choice (1 - 7 ) (OR state Adult if your character has graduated from Hogwarts): 6th
Job (If an adult and you want a Ministry, Hogsmeade Shop Owner, or Hogwarts Staff Job, please PM the admins and tell us):Helps her Muggle mother @ his shop selling candy.
Broom: Firebolt
Wand: mahogany and dragon heartstring
Character Appearance: 5'5 althelitc blond hair and sky blue eyes
Personality: She is very energetic, but a little shy.
Relationship Status: Single
Weaknesses: She had a bad temper.
Strenths: She is very booksmart.
Likes: She loves reading.
Dislikes: hates people who think they are better than someone cause they have more money.
Special Ability Section :
Animagus- wolf
Character History:
Aly is the 5th child out 5 children from Muggle Parents Ashley and Carson Beckett. Her father is a doctor and her mother owns a candy store. Her father wanted her to be a doctor like him, but then she got the letter 5 years ago and she was so excited.